WIN! Family Passes to see ‘Asterix: The Secret of the Magic Potion’

He’s the dude with the rolly-polly bod and the cool braided hair who ruled the roost of comic books in the early 1960s. Now Asterix is back, just in time for the 60th anniversary of the famed comic book series and the release of animated feature Asterix: The Secret of the Magic Potion.

Following a fall during mistletoe picking, Head Druid Getafix decides that it is time to secure the future of the village. Accompanied by Asterix and Obelix and the ever faithful Dogmatix, they embark upon a quest across Gaul in search of a young druid worthy of learning the secret of the magic potion – a formula which has long helped keep the Gaulish village safe against Julius Cesar and his invading army.

However, all hell breaks loose at home as the Romans start attacking the village, and an evil wizard named Demonix does everything he can to steal the potion’s secret recipe.


To celebrate the release of ‘Asterix: The Secret of the Magic Potion’, in cinemas May 30th, Cream has 4 x family passes to give away. To try winning a pass for four, simply ensure you’ve Liked our Facebook Page here and tag a friend beneath our Asterix post on FB. Simples!

Competition closes 5pm AWST, Monday 27 May, 2019.



17 Responses to “WIN! Family Passes to see ‘Asterix: The Secret of the Magic Potion’”

  1. christine morris

    Yes Please, perfect for my Grandkids , Thanks for the chance 🙂


  2. sylvia

    Would love this to take my grandkids to their first trip to the movies.


  3. Robyn Baker

    I only ever read it in French immersion class in Canada.. It would be nice to actually see it in English!



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